Wednesday, April 21, 2010

5 Ways to Improve Your Small Business Operations

Every small business wants to find more efficiencies, save on costs and thereby generate a greater profit.  Add your comments on things you think also help.  Here are 5 ways that a small business owner can improve their small business operations:

Establish a Plan

The first key to any sort of improvement is the lay out a plan.  Put it writing and spell it out clearly.  Planning can occur on many different levels and at many different times.  If your company has several areas of operation, you can address one issue at a time and therefore spread out your planning time.  Regardless of how you structure it, though, it is critical to create a plan for your operations.

Research Your Industry

It is critical to constantly educate yourself on what you are doing.  Take a look at your competitors.  What are they doing to be successful?  Why are they doing what are they doing?  What can you do better?  Also, take a look at businesses that started in your industry and then failed.  Why did that happen?  What did they do that lead to failure?  How does that compare with what you are doing?  Also, research the processes that you use in your business and compare those to similar industries and see what they do.

Measure Your Changes

For any plan to really be successful, you need to have a way of measuring success.  When you sit down and plan out the things that you will do to improve your operations, it is critical that you spell out how you are going to measure it.  What are you doing to track the changes?  Who is in charge of documenting the information?  What numbers are most important for you to see that the changes are working?  Make sure your plan comes with a way of evaluating it.

Re-evaluate Your Small Business

Always take time to go back to your original plan and re-evaluate the things that you are doing in your small business.  How have the circumstances changed?  What can we continue to improve?  What is working?  What should we discontinue?  This process of re-evaluation is enabled by effectively created metrics under your plan, as addressed above.  Always be willing to make adjustments to improve your business, but have a real reason for when you make those changes.

Delegate in Your Small Business

As much as is practicable in your business, assign tasks to other people either internally or via out-sourcing.  This becomes even more effective when you have a good handle on the talents of the individuals that you are using for delegated work.  If you know your employees well, you may be able to delegate some tasks, such as social media management, that might not normal fall under the purview of their responsibilities but that they have a great aptitude for.  The more you can maximize everyone’s efforts in the business the better your operations will be.


What are your thoughts?  Add you comment below:

1 comment:

Faith | My Postcard Printing said...

These are only 5 ways but these are the most important factors to improve your small business. Just always think about your market, they are the ones who will benefit from your small business. Be sure to serve them with full satisfaction so that these ways will work effectively.

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